Prom 39: Holst, Nishat Khan & Vaughan Williams Review

Prom 39 (part 1): Holst, Nishat Khan & Vaughan Williams

Prom 39 was broadcast live on the BBC Asian Network, as well as BBC Radio 3, as the first act had a distinctly Indian theme. This meant that all those listening on BBC Asian Network were getting a dose of classical music rather than their usual Bollywood! As a Radio 3 listener, it is quite interesting to have these simulcasts, as it means there are different presenters for the Prom, alongside the usual Radio 3 crew. I believe that these simulcasts are a great way of getting a completely different audience engaged with classical music, which is, of course, what the Proms are all about.

Back to Prom 39…

The first piece in Gustav Holst’s suite Indra. Love it. Holst taught himself Sanskrit in the 1890’s and was rather obsessed with India and anything ‘Oriental’ as it was referred to as at the time. That was of course the height of the British Empire, and as India was the jewel in the Empire’s crown, it’s not really a big surprise that Holst was so intrigued by it. Indra was Holst’s take on what Oriental music sounded like. Of course, it’s not even close, but it is a fabulous 11 minutes or so of music. I was actually surprised as to how wonderful this piece was. I think I’d actually rank it in my list of pieces from this year’s Proms that I don’t recall hearing before but now it’s a favourite (at the end of the season, I’ll make an actual round-up list!).

The second piece was a world premiere by Indian composer Nishat Khan, The Gate of the Moon (Sitar Concerto No. 1). This piece is a combination of Western and Indian classical music, with the sitar being the most quintessentially Indian instrument. I’ll admit that I wasn’t particularly expecting to enjoy this concerto, so I was pleasantly surprised when I did. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales, under conductor David Atherton, sounded beautiful while accompanying Khan on the sitar.

The final piece for Prom 39 was Vaughan Williams’ A London Symphony (Symphony No. 2). I thought that in the first movement, around 1:44:00, it sounded quite a bit like something out of the score of Phantom of the Opera! There was a smattering of well-deserved applause at end of first movement, as it was a grand ending. There was a smaller smattering after second (slow) movement. I particularly liked the fourth movement, around the 2:15:00 mark onwards. The music grows darker and deeper, and it’s rich and beautiful. I was hoping this symphony would end with a bag, the way the first movement did, but it ends quietly, and it really is a beautiful final.

The BBC NOW were fantastic throughout this Prom, and their entire Proms season – this Prom is the last time we’ll hear the BBC NOW at the Royal Albert Hall this Proms season. They’ll be at Caerphilly Park for Last Night, but we won’t be hearing them again from London. Thank-you BBC NOW, you have been amazing. And I think this Prom may have snuck into my (as yet unwritten) list of favourite Proms of the season.

Prom 16: Elgar, Bantock, Walton & Tchaikovsky

Elgar, Bantock, Walton and Tchaikovsky

Prom 16 started the BBC National Orchestra of Wales’s cycle of the Tchaikovsky symphonies, starting with the Fourth Symphony. I am very happy about this, as Tchaikovsky is my favourite composer. This Prom also had a bit of a Hollow Crown-theme to it. I really liked this one.

It began with Sir Edward Elgar’s Falstaff, a suite for the (in)famous character created by William Shakespeare, and co-star in his Henry IV Part I and Part II, and The Merry Wives of Windsor. This is not my favourite piece by Elgar, but it was well played, and, well I liked it well enough, but nothing overly special.

The second piece was Bantock’s Sapphic Poem, performed by cello soloist Raphael Wallfisch, along with the BBC NOW. This was beautifully played by Wallfisch, and sounded as though it was highly enjoyed by the audience, too.

Raphael Wallfisch

The second act began with two short pieces from William Walton’s music for Sir Laurence Olivier’s Henry V, ‘Touch her soft lips’ and  ‘Death of Falstaff’. These were really very lovely and beautiful, ‘Death of Falstaff‘ hauntingly so.

Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony would have to be my favourite piece in the entire classical repertoire. That’s big praise, I know, but there is not one thing I do not like about this symphony. Not one note or phrase or anything. The melodies, the orchestration, everything is just so amazing. I must also add: this is the piece that really got me into classical music, and whatever your ‘first’ favourite is, the piece that converts you, you will love forever. I found it as it was the background music that played on the MSO’s website about five years ago now. I just completely fell in love, went and bought the CD, and have loved this symphony (and Tchaikovsky) ever since. Anyway, back to Prom 16, and the BBC NOW. What can I say? I think the BBC NOW are brilliant, and they’re playing my number one  favourite classical piece. Applause after the first and second movements (out of place, but definitely deserved). STRAIGHT from the third movement into the fourth (there can be a pause there). And the epic fourth movement. Loved the speed. It was fantastic. Huge applause at the end.

This Prom is probably my favourite straight classical Prom of the season so far (probably entirely because of the Tchaikovsky). Well done BBC NOW and Jac van Steen. Goodness I wish I was there.